Monday, November 21, 2011

Evan Aussie interview

Some interviews from the Venice film festival are still being released...and we're never tired of anecdotes about the Ides cast getaway at Clooney's lake Como house.
Here's a few excerpts:
 ''I am a black belt in taekwondo,'' she explains, when I ask of her sporting prowess, ''I used to compete. We were at George's house in Lake Como and he has a basketball court. I teamed up and actually challenged him. They beat us - but it was close. I had game, I got it.''
''I was always, if anything, a bit snobby about fashion,'' she says. ''I didn't realise there was a real art to it, that it could be used to express yourself … Now I'm fascinated by it.'' 
"'George had promised me, since filming, that after we premiered the film we'd jump in the pool in our suits and dresses,'' she says, revealing that she entertained guests with rousing renditions of Janis Joplin and Tina Turner numbers at the after party. ''Everyone chickened out. And I thought, 'No, I'm doing it'. I thought, 'You guys are missing out, this is amazing'. I was floating in the middle of a pool in Venice, staring up at the stars. It was magical.'' 

And for our italian fans, the newly released Italian trailer for the Ides of March, enjoy!

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