Thursday, November 10, 2011

PFZ - Paparazzi free zone

Maybe you're wondering why this site hasn't been updated with all the latest paparazzi pictures/rumors about Evan that have been floating around the web lately, why all the pictures of Evan and Jamie that pop up on gossip sites aren't neatly sorted and uploaded on here for your viewing pleasure.
Well, I've always thought that artists are entitled to their own privacy, that their life must be crazy enough without mercenary photographers standing creepily outside their window or following them to the dentist.
So I decided to keep this blog free, as much as I can, from invasive paparazzi pictures, this doesn't mean I won't ever post any, just that I will sift through them: e.g. Evan strolling around town, Evan arriving/leaving to/from events YES; Evan leaving the dentist, visibly annoyed Evan NO

I know this policy won't benefit the visits to my blog, or the curiosity of readers that will be able to find those pictures pretty much anywhere else very easily, but it's a decision I made when I opened the blog and I was confronted with the choice to post paparazzi pictures or not.
Obviously I don't think that this will help much on keeping down the spreading of those pictures/rumors on the web but it's just something I don't feel like doing to an artist that I like so much.
Hope you'll understand :)
Thanks for reading this.


  1. Bravo! Evan deserves her privacy and her true fans only want legit news about her. Not what hotspot she's seen partying at or, like you said, leaving the dentist. Keep up the awesome job! :)
